Sunday, 11 April 2010

Rumour-mill: Stephen Purcell suspended from the Labour party.

Sources have said that Stephen Purcell has now been suspended from the Labour party after a month of revelations about the ex-council leaders private life.

Both Purcell and the Labour party in Glasgow came under heavy criticism after it was revealed that Purcell, who have been council leader for nearly five years had taken to drinking heavily and also took cocaine which he later admitted in an interview with the Scottish Sun.

It was these revelations that landed Purcell in deeper water with the Sunday Herald revealing that Strathclyde Police were considering the possibility of speaking to Mr Purcell about drug offences as well as alleged impropriety regarding taxpayer funds. With friends, political allies and others being given thousands of pounds to run Glasgow City Councils various arms-length companies.

We shall keep you updated as the story develops.


  1. So much for 'nothing to see here' then, eh!

  2. This was never going to end pretty Rab now was it? I am keeping a close eye on this one but it seems a lot of phones are now switched off. Bah!

    To be honest given that the police have now expressed an interest in investigating the matter further was there any other way this could end in the run up to an election? I don't think so.

  3. DiF, I've been trying to find out something but I've no contacts in labour. I wonder why ;).

    Do keep us informed. It does show that labour have no scruples, but does any political party feel any loyalty to those who have worked hard for them and perhaps erred in some way? I don't think so.

  4. I am trying to get confirmation of this however the Labour party are distracted today it being their manifesto launch.
